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So, How Do You Pursue Your Dream

(To Become A "Great Setter")

When The Only Place You Can Train Is At Home?

From: Coach David
Subject: We can help you!
Let me know if this happened to you...

As an athlete, there have been times in our lives where we've heard and we believed the idea of: 

"Practice Makes Perfect..."


And so you go to every practice... 

You join summer and fall camps... 

You take private lessons...

Hoping that IF you do these things it will tweak your game to the next level.
And then it's taken away from you...
Unfortunately, a pandemic has hit and you've been locked out of your volleyball gyms... 

My question to you: is this your story? Is this why you are here today? 

You have found a sport that you have fallen in love with, something you’re passionate about, something you want to play at the next level

And you can’t figure out how in the world you are going to keep pursuing your dream without access to a gym? 

Or maybe you’re a bit further down the line.

And you’ve been playing around with the ball at home and doing a few workouts. 

But you have FEAR because time is going by and you don’t know when your local gyms are going to open again.

And you’re up at night thinking and wondering...
Am I Really Doing Everything I Can 
To Pursue My Dreams?
Hi, my name is coach David and I created this brand new course called Setters Academy. It's the ultimate setter training designed for you to do at home and take your game to the next level.
Before I get into what setters academy is let me backup a bit.

Now just 6 short years ago I launched this volleyball program called Academy Volleyball right here locally. We focused on one on one and small group training
Training teams was not our focus. 

We wanted to be the place for athletes to go if they were looking for supplementary training, training to help them excel on the teams they were already competing with.

I wanted to have a training environment where when athletes walked into my lessons they would be getting...
As Many Quality Reps 
As Humanly Possible.
This whole idea presented two problems: 

#1 How can I plan practices so that athletes are getting as many reps as possible.

#2 How can two or more athletes with skill disparity train beside each other without affecting each others' practice experience. 

So with those two things in mind, I really had to get our drills right.

Because I wasn’t coaching teams I couldn’t just rely on coaching seminars and clinics to find drills.

I had to do things differently!

That was six years ago, and it’s been a race to improve ourselves year after year ever since. 
We Literally Tested Hundreds Of Drills With Our Athletes.
Many of the drills didn’t work.

They either required more athletes or it required the athletes all to be of a certain level.

The drills that did work lead to even better drills. Every new drill started to make practices more efficient and allowed our athletes to ACHIEVE INCREDIBLE RESULTS.

Because of the training we were able to put together at Academy, our athletes have been able to win numerous championships and make that jump from high school to college.

Look, if you’re gifted athletic specimens, maybe you don’t need me, you’ll just be able to roll back off the couch and pick up where you left off. 

But if you’re someone who needs to WORK HARD for everything you get and wants to make serious improvements then I can help you.

Take Your First Step...

Get instant access to our 5 session setter course and start making gains today!

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